I have (the latest) spamassassin 3.1.0 (on Perl 5.8.7) installed on my not-extremely-powerful small-scale Gentoo server (P2-450 with 256Mb RAM and 500Mb swap - not running X) and I'm experiencing a recurring fault... I'm running spamd and using the spamassassin client to re-direct email to it from my systemwide procmail setup (using the recommended | /usr/bin/spamc -f approach with a size limiter to avoid over-burdening spamassassin with any massive emails.)

Everything seems to work well for a fair while, then the spamd process gets "wedged" - and in spite of there being a near-0 load, and dozens and dozens of messages reported by mailq, none of my mail gets processed in a hurry - and after a long while (maybe every half-an-hour, say) an email is delivered from the head of my mail queue - which has not passed through spamd (according to the headers) - and has no spam-score attached.

I read some suggestions a long while ago which said that "--round-robin" as an option was a work-around for a bug with the same consequences. My /etc/conf.d/spamd currently has the options:

SPAMD_OPTS="-m 5 -c -H -l --round-robin"

However, I still get this problem. I thought that it was related to the length of time the spamd process had been running - so I set a cron job to re-start the server at an unusual time early every morning... but this hasn't been an successful work around either. It now seems that to be triggered by an increased system load - today I ran

# emerge apache squirrelmail

then left... when I returned the emerge had long-since completed by my spamd remained "stuck."

Is this a problem everyone is having? I had no problem like this with the elder (3.0.4) version of spamassassin I had installed previously on the same hardware.
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