On 3/23/06, Michael Kintzios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hmm... basics... I would start with `man tar` and see where
> > that takes you.
> Not very far.  ;-) That's why I'm asking for some quick help.  I also
> need to add that I was seeking answers to the above questions in the
> context of having access only to the new machine and three more
> partitions on it, all of which are smaller than the total uncompressed
> /usr directory.

In that case I would create /usr on one filesystem and /portage on
another partition then create /usr/portage and mount /portage to it
then untar your file. It should look like this:

/dev/hdx1 (/usr)
/dev/hdx2 (/portage)

/usr/portage -> /portage

Seems to be the most straightforward way of doing it to me.


Michael E. Crute

It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.
--Douglas Adams

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