Devon Miller wrote:

> Just to throw my 2 cents in...
> I always set
> unless I'm building for a memory constrained system. This stores the
> config file in the kernel image and makes it available as
> /proc/config.gz. That way, when I get it working, I know what I did.
> I'm currently running 2.6.15-r8 of suspend2_sources, so if you're
> using a different kernel YMMV.
> Also, you can tell when the running kernel was built looking in
> /proc/version for the date stamp.
> dcm

I use the config.gz too.  You can actually boot up and untar that thing
and copy it over to a kernel directory and use it.  That's good if you
royally screw up your config and need to step back a bit, or maybe a
lot.  ;-)

I'm not guru by any means, I just read a lot and sometimes my light bulb
will go off and it makes sense.  If the bulb doesn't go off, stick a
fork in me, I'm done.



P.S.  Supper time.  Meds make me hungry.  < stuffs mouth >
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