On Monday 27 March 2006 12:16, Grant wrote:
> So you're saying if I don't use PKI, the remote system is going to
> prompt me for a password after I'm already logged in?  You say "each
> compile that goes to an ssh host will ask for a password".  At what
> point in the emerge process does this happen?
Anytime you dipatch a job to another system.  If you are using ssh to send 
your jobs (instead of distccd) you will be prompted for a password for every 
job you send to the remote host.  That is of course until distcc realises it 
can't communicate and will then fall back to sending the jobs to localhost.  
If you have a lot of jobs you are sending to distcc then you will see a huge 
increase in your load average as a result.

Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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