Thomas T. Veldhouse wrote:
Does anybody know how to get NVI to word wrap in a similar manner to VIM? With VIM, I could use:

vim -f '+set tw=78' and it would wrap at 78 characters at a word boundry (great for emails and posts to USENET).

Well, it seems nobody was able to help me out, but I did find a solution that works very well, if anybody is interested. I simply put the following lines in my .bashrc and now my lines wrap at 78 characters (considered "correct" for USENET), assuming the console is 80 characters (I may have to fix this).

TIN_VI_OPTIONS="set wm=2"
alias tin='EDITOR="/usr/bin/vi" EXINIT="${TIN_VI_OPTIONS}" /usr/bin/tin'

It took a lot of manpage reading to figure this little tidbit out. It wasn't entirely clear to me that options are passed via an environment variable. With VIM, you can pass them via the -f switch.

Tom Veldhouse

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