I found out there are 3 gnomish apps in mys system:

room17 mantas # eix -IS gnome
* dev-libs/atk
     Available versions:  1.6.1 1.9.1 1.10.1 ~1.10.2 1.10.3 [M]1.11.3
     Installed:           1.10.3
     Homepage:            http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gap/
     Description:         GTK+ & Gnome Accessibility Toolkit

* gnome-base/gconf
     Available versions:  1.0.8-r3 1.0.8-r5 1.0.9 2.10.1-r1 2.12.1
~2.12.1-r1 [M]2.14.0
     Installed:           2.12.1
     Homepage:            http://www.gnome.org/
     Description:         Gnome Configuration System and Daemon

Found 2 matches
room17 mantas # eix -IC gnome
* gnome-base/gconf
     Available versions:  1.0.8-r3 1.0.8-r5 1.0.9 2.10.1-r1 2.12.1
~2.12.1-r1 [M]2.14.0
     Installed:           2.12.1
     Homepage:            http://www.gnome.org/
     Description:         Gnome Configuration System and Daemon

* gnome-base/orbit
     Available versions:  0.5.17 0.5.17-r1 2.12.2 2.12.3 2.12.4 2.12.5 [M]2.14.0
     Installed:           2.12.5
     Homepage:            http://www.gnome.org/
     Description:         ORBit2 is a high-performance CORBA ORB

Found 2 matches

but if one of them has those gnome packages as dependencies, why it
didn't want to pull them, when I emerged it?

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