really simple problem, but quite annoying.

% vim --version
VIM - Vi IMproved 6.4 (2005 Oct 15, compiled Jan 12 2006 12:36:23)

i am editing a C file and this is the problem i'm having:

in vim i have   set ts=4   to make my tabs 4 spaces instead of 8. I
really dislike 8 spaces for tabs. anyways...

i type in vim

void main ( void )
        int c;

The <enter> autoindent indents it 8 spaces ?!?
my tabstop is 4 though !

I want this

void main ( void )
    int c;

If anyone knows how to fix this or if its like a bug or something...
that'd be great.


# - dan lamotte -            - lamotte {at} - #####
## - systems staff -      - uofm -      - cs department - ####
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