On Saturday 22 April 2006 11:22 am, Christopher E wrote:
> Hello there,
> Try adding a map in there like this
> map (hd1) (hd0)
> map (hd0) (hd1)
> now I am assuming that your windows is on /dev/sdb in linux or its it
> your first drive if it is /dev/sdb the above code should work, put
> this under the windows title :-)
> the reason you are puting this twice is to swap both of the dirves
> Hope that helps
> Sincerely,
> Christopher

Problem solved!  My system is arranged thusly:

Grub is installed on hd0 and hd1 (they are a RAID mirror).  These are known as 
hda and hdc in Linux.  Windows is installed on hd2,0.  This is known as sda1 
in Linux.

I had to add:

title=Windows doesn't play nicely with others
map (hd2) (hd0)
map (hd0) (hd1)
map (hd1) (hd2)
rootnoverify (hd2,0)
chainloader +1

to my grub.conf.  Actually, I could simply do these maps instead:

map (hd2) (hd0)
map (hd0) (hd2)

since hd0 is identical to hd1.

Thanks for all the help, everyone.
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