On 5/31/06, Philip Webb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
060531 JimD wrote:
> I just found out something about Google Groups.
>   http://groups.google.com/group/linux.gentoo.user
> Go to the link above on Google, click on any topic.
> At the top of the topic you will see the From: line.
> At the end there is a link named "View Profile".  Click on that.
> Google shows a list of every group it finds your email in
> and displays it in a drop down.

They are presumably public lists, so CAVEAT SCRIPTOR .

There are copies over Gmane and most mailing lists have a news format,
along with digests, so, its kinda easy to track you down. Even google
crawler would come up with links in Gmane and other mail-to-news

It's like sending a letter to a newspaper: they might print it !
OTOH the Internet does allow anyone to collect vast amounts of information,
but OTOH it's far too much for any realistic use malign or otherwise.
It's like the US govt collecting a record of everyone's phone calls:
however could they ever analyse them ?  The rest of us laugh at them
(yes, someone in a bunker in Colorado may be reading this very message
& our peaceful, ordered & well-governed country may be targetted (grin)).

Today you must be careful with what you send. Google is not the only
one providing personal information over the net, it just indexes it
and make it searchable. I just googled my name and found my own ID
number (here at brazil, its comparable with US Social Security number)
published along with my complete profile in a government site where 4
years ago I did tests for a public position.

Privacy is measured by how much you care about it, if you think VERY
WELL it simply do not exist.

Daniel da Veiga
Computer Operator - RS - Brazil
Version: 3.1
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