1. Has anyone noticed if programs compiled with the latest gcc (4.1.1, I 
believe) are any faster than those compiled with 3.4.6-r1? Also, is there any 
difference in the required time to compile? Any other issues I should know 
about with upgrading from 3.4.6-r1 to 4.1.1? (I use a pre-Prescott P4 
3000MHz, so it'd be nice if anyone had information for that or a comparable 

2. If I want to upgrade and rebuild my entire system (using a new gcc), is:
        emerge -u gcc
        emerge -e world
the right thing to do? Am I missing anything there?

(Note: if it makes any difference, I have ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86" set in 
my /etc/make.conf. Any problems this could cause?)
Jesse Hannah

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