On Sat, Jun 17, 2006 at 01:04:37AM +0200, Christoph Eckert wrote:
> > Both banshee and rhythmbox support mostly or will soon support fully
> > the ipod :)
> Apple hard and software players don't support ogg vorbis,
> and that's why Apple simply sucks. Sorry, I'm usually not a guy of harsh 
> words, but take care about teh file formats you use. Will you be able 
> to playback your music bought in the Apple shop if they decide to 
> discontinue their audio hard- and software?

I don't have an ipod so I have no experience, but there is a 3rd party
firmware hack that replaces the ipod firmware and supports flac/ogg/etc
and adds nifty things.

That said, everything I have is mp3 or flac transcoded to mp3 for
playback on my crappy old rio cali :)

Alan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://arcterex.net
"Backups are for people who don't pray."                 -- big Mike
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