Neil Bothwick wrote:

>On Mon, 26 Jun 2006 10:59:09 -0500, Teresa and Dale wrote:
>>>I don't see why use other tool. Etc-update works great...
>>>I've been using it since my first Gentoo install 2 years ago and never
>>>needed (neither bothered looking for) this other tools you mentioned.
>If you haven't tried them, you can't know whether they are better or not.
>>I have tried the other tools and they are not any better.  The biggest
>>thing, no matter what tool you use, is to be VERY careful what you
>>update.  For me, about 95% of the stuff is fine but that 5% can keel you
>>or make you wish you were dead.  O_O
>This alone makes dispatch-conf worthwhile, because you can roll back any
>changes it makes.

Well, I make backups of etc anyway.  I just copy it to old-etc and keep
it lying around.  I ran into a blank inittab once and even dispatch-conf
wouldn't have saved me there.  I don't think it was a update, just got
erased somehow.  I'm not sure how that happened either cause I don't
even look at that one.  I just recognized what it was doing and that it
was blank.

I also seem to recall that dispatch-conf didn't keep back-ups on mine. 
I had the directory but it was always empty even after a lot of
updates.  You know of any reason for that?



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