On Tue, 04 Jul 2006 19:11:39 +0200 Alan McKinnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

AM> On Tue, 2006-07-04 at 18:29 +0200, Robert Cernansky wrote:
AM> > 
AM> > Hmm, it can be done with "garbage collector principe". Each
AM> > package will have counter which increases when some package which
AM> > depend on
AM> > it is installed. Decreased, when the package is uninstalled. If
AM> > counter is
AM> > zero, "dependency" package can be uninstalled along with package
AM> > specified
AM> > for uninstalling.
AM> No, that still doesn't work. When the user unmerges kde-meta, with your
AM> proposal it will unmerge X11. The next step is that the user emerges
AM> gnome which first emerges X11 back again. This isn't so bad with a
AM> binary distro if the packages are on a CD, but on gentoo it's murder.

Yes, you are right. I did not consider this practical issue.

AM> The only sane thing to do is to emerge dependencies when required and
AM> unmerge only thinks specifically asked for to be unmerged. You can't
AM> even reliably prompt the user with a dialog that says "The following
AM> dependencies of the package about to be unmerged are needed by no other
AM> package. Shall they be unmerged?" because of deep dependencies.
AM> Reverse constructing a multi-node tree and applying logic to it is no
AM> joke, hence the wise decision to have portage ignore this amazingly
AM> efficient bug-injecting process.

Yes, its not so easy, i see now. ;-) Like Bo Andresen wrote --depclean is the
best way.


Robert Cernansky

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