
Im a gnu/linux newbie and have 2 problems ....

1. At boot, i get "net-mount failed on eth0" and ifconfig does not
list eth0. So i manually tried "ifconfig eth0 up" and eth0 is then
listed.  Next I am unable to ping machines not listed on /etc/hosts.

My /etc/conf.d/net has entries for config_eth0 and routes_eth0

My /etc/resolv.conf however looks like this:
# Generated by dhcpcd for interface eth1
nameserver  <mynameserver>
domain         <mydomain>
It seems to say eth1 ..... when it should say eth0?

2. When grub loads, the screen is all blurred and hazy and seems to
get allright 10 seconds after the kernel starts loading. What should i

Any help will be appreciated .... thanks !
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