On 7/12/06, Egon Kocjan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Is there another option like installing some sort of rcX.d

The best option for your Gentoo users would be to install your init
script as /etc/$mypkg/init.d/$myinit, and have an additional
Gentoo/runscript compatible script that installs to /etc/init.d/ but
mainly just call the /etc/$mypkg/init.d/$myinit script.  That would
allow us to continue to use our standard tools (rc-update) for
managing the init process, make sure you are compatible with parallel
startups, and so forth.

This should be fairly simple to create.  Something like:

depend() {
       need localmount
       use logger net
start() {
       test -x /etc/$mypkg/init.d/$myinit || \
               eend 1 "myinit script not found.  Aborting" || return 1
       /etc/$mypkg/init.d/$myinit start
       return $?
stop() {
       /etc/$mypkg/init.d/$myinit stop
       return $?

If your init script generates a bunch of output, you could optionally
add a function to process the output and make it look more like
Gentoo's standards.  The current vmware init script may be a good
example of this.

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