On 8/11/06, James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
myIP hackIP    TCP   55634 > smtp  (SYN) Seq=0 ACK=1 WIN=0 LEN=0
hackIP   myIP  TCP   smtp > 55634 (RST,ACK) Seq=0 ACK=1 WIN=0 LEN=0 MSS=1460

Assuming you haven't mixed up the myIP and hackIP parts, this means
something on *your* system/network is trying to contact an smtp server
on what you are calling hackIP.  TCP/IP connections are initiated with
a SYN packet.  If they are accepted, you get a SYN,ACK packet back.
If they are rejected, you get a RST,ACK back.

Running 'host <hackIP>' might prove enlightening.

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