On 9/5/06, James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well maybe this (ls) schema color issue I'm seeing  is related to a recent
vim colors question...not sure?

Probably not.  That was specific to editing perl code, and vim uses a
different mechanism of coloring than ls, cp, et al.

ON a newly installed system (2006.1) (amd-K8) the dir content listing (ls)
is all  white (various file types and dirs). I display only the
current dir of my path as part of my prompt. When I cd into a dir,
the path changes color (blue) like it should.

Getting colors in ls output requires a couple of things to occur:

1. Aliases for ls and grep to add the "--color=auto" option.  Of
course you could do this yourself by running "ls --color=auto", but it
is normally aliased in your ~/.bashrc.  If you are not getting colors,
first check that the aliases are defined correctly by running "alias".
You should see:

alias ls='ls --color=auto'

2. The --color option doesn't really work unless the dircolors command
is used to define what colors are available.  Again, this is normally
done in your ~/.bashrc, which should contain the following line, in
addition to the alias commands:

# colors for ls, etc.
eval `dircolors -b /etc/DIR_COLORS`

3. Your TERM type must be known to dircolors.  This means that
whatever $TERM contains, there should be a TERM line for that in

Note that the bash prompt coloring is done in /etc/bash/bashrc,
sourced by /etc/profile.  You should read those to understand exactly
how that part of it works.  If the bash coloring works, but not
ls/grep coloring, I suspect you are not using the standard .bashrc
provided by /etc/skel/.bashrc.

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