On 9/18/06, Grant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have an 802.11g network and I'm considering buying a wireless RF
> > keyboard that uses the 2.4Ghz frequency.  Am I setting myself up for
> > interference problems?
> Probably not.  I use a wireless mouse with my laptop all the time and
> notice no problems.

Does it operate on 2.4Ghz RF?

- Grant
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

You might have problems with a 2.4GHz wireless keyboard.  If the keyboard is like most 2.4GHz wireless phones it uses FHSS instead of DHSS like your typical home wireless access point.  Basically with FHSS you have 15 non-overlapping channels opposed to 3 for DHSS.  Wireless phones use FHSS because it has better frequency rejection capabilities.  DHSS provides better throughput with less interference rejection so you can probably guess why WAPs use DHSS.  If you run your 802.11g on channel 11 you might be able to get away with it but I won't guarantee anything.  If there is an option for a 5.8GHz wireless keyboard I would opt for that or one of the older 900MHz models. 

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