Etaoin Shrdlu wrote:
On Thursday 30 November 2006 07:56, Vladimir G. Ivanovic wrote:

Let's take a poll.

1. Have you seen this error message in an emerge?

Yes, several times.

2. Have you subsequently identified a hardware problem, fixed the
    hardware problem, and have not seen the message since?

Yes. 99% of the times it was bad RAM (verified with memtest86).
Of course, for trivial emerges a subsequent emerge completed fine, but the first failure put me on the alert.

3. Have you re-run the emerge and not seen the message in a while
    (please indicate how long "a while" is.)

For me, "a while" is "since fixing the hardware problem".

BTW, do you know portage/emerge/make/whatever knows that the problem
is not reproducible?

If, all other things being equal, a subsequent attempt at the same operation does not exhibit the problem, or fails differently, there's a good chance that the problem is not reproducible.

Interesting responses from 3 people. But ...

I have done nothing to my hardware and I've seen this error, oh, a half a dozen times, the last time 3 months (?) ago. I ran memtest when I installed new memory, and it did not report problems even when run for hours. And I do not get random segfaults with other programs. Finally, I don't think my hardware fixed itself.

Given all of this, my suspicion is that these errors are software bugs, not hardware problems.

The other thing that I don't really believe is the part about "this bug not being reproducible" as reported by portage/emerge/make/gcc. I don't recall any evidence that the emerge that actually tried the compilation again and /succeeded/. (Why then error out rather than print a warning message like, "Compilation retry succeeded on subsequent attempt; hardware problem suspected.") So, my suspicion that the commentary is bogus; but I believe the part about "internal compiler error: Segfault".

--- Vladimir

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