On Thu, 2006-12-07 at 09:01 -0500, Randy Barlow wrote:
> Howdy all, I've just made a shiny new install and am using the Gnome
> desktop, but I cannot seem to start Epiphany.  When I try, I get a
> dialogue box telling me:
> Startup failed because of the following error:
> Unable to determine the address of the message bus (try 'man
> dbus-launch' and 'man dbus-daemon' for help)
> I did run /etc/init.d/dbus start as root (and added that to default run
> level) and I did log out/in afterwards, and the problem persists.  Any
> ideas?

is it possible that you are using gnome-2.16 without gdm ? if so, read


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