On 12/7/06, David Corbin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
When I try to start exim, I get this:

 * Caching service dependencies ...
 *  Service 'sysklogd' already provided by 'logger'!;
 *  Not adding service 'syslog-ng'...
[ ok ]
 * sysklogd -> start: syslogd ...
/sbin/start-stop-daemon: stat /usr/sbin/syslogd: No such file or directory (No
such file or directory)
 * Failed to start syslogd

I don't have exim installed, but I'm guessing it depends on "logger",
which can be provided by either sysklogd or syslog-ng.


1. You had sysklogd installed at one point (thus got an init file for it)
2. You emerge -C'd it (thus why /usr/sbin/syslogd doesn't exist)
3. You have /etc in CONFIG_PROTECT but don't have /etc/init.d in
CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK, so portage left the sysklogd init file on your

I'm guessing you should be able to resolve this with:

1. rc-update -d sysklogd
2. rm /etc/init.d/sysklogd

Then add /etc/init.d to CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK in /etc/make.conf if you
want portage to automatically remove init files when you remove the
associated package.

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