Okay i got it to work.  It turns out /etc/conf.d/net was not setup to see
the router.

I just looked it up on the Gentoo Linux Doc and routes_eth0 was not set up
so I added
routes_eth0="default gw"
to the end of the file, restarted eth0 and everything works now.

Thanks for the help.

On 1/12/07, Ryan Crisman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I do a ping distfiles.gentoo.org
ping: unknown host distfiles.gentoo.org

Than i try and ping its ip and i get
connect: network is unreachable

Pinging www.Google.com:
connect: network is unreachable

contents of resolv.conf
domain localdomain

But as i said before I am able to browser the web in Firefox.

On 1/12/07, PaulNM < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ryan Crisman wrote:
> > Everytime I attempt to install a new program using portage i get this
> > error:
> >
> > Resolving distfiles.gentoo.org... failed: Temporary failure in  name
> > resolution.
> >
> > I do have internet access and I am writing this email from the same
> > machine.  It doesn't matter what package or when i get this error all
> the
> > time.  Even on the other mirrors for the package.
> Well, for some reason dns lookup for those sites fail.  What happens
> when you put distfiles.gentoo.org in a web browser?  You could also try
> pinging the repositories first, and if they get though, try emerge
> again.  If emerge still fails, I'd try adding them to the host file with
> whatever ip you get from pinging as a workaround.
> PaulNM
> --
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Ryan Crisman

Ryan Crisman

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