On 2007-01-19 09:45, Vlad Dogaru <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am especially looking for a browser to substitute Firefox (it's great, but
> quite a memory hog). I like links, what with its graphical capabilities, but
> it lacks tabs and that's a major downside in my vision. I've tried Conkeror
> for Firefox, but it's too Emacs-centric (vim person here) and also disables
> tabs (or maybe it's me -- I couldn't get them to work).

I'd never heard of Conkeror, so I started playing with it.  I really
like it (but *I* am an Emacs guy).  If you do "M-x use-vi-keys" (where
"M-x" is probably Alt-x on your machine) then it feels more vi-like
(j,k scroll up/down; h,l go back/forward; colon for commands instead
of M-x).

It doesn't seem to do tabs, but it will open pages in different
(Emacs-like) buffers.  Use "C-x f" (with emacs keys) to open a URL in
a new buffer.  Then "C-x b" to switch between buffers.  (Not sure what
the equivilent vi-style keystrokes are, but they might be there)

Of course, Conkeror is still Firefox underneath, so that won't help
with it being a memory hog.

Anyway, thanks for showing me something new and cool!

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