Richard Watson wrote:
Hi, I recently upgraded my system with emerge -uDN world. Afterwards I found that net.eth0 was 
grabbing my firewire port (ieee1394) and I needed to create net.eth2 for my NIC as net.eth1 was 
being assigned to my wireless. My problem is that although "rc-update show" indicates all 
my interfaces are NOT being loaded other than net.lo at boot (which is what I want) my system keeps 
trying to start net.eth0 net.eth1 net.eth2 in the " default" run level. Can anybody help? 
It's very frustrating waiting for these interfaces to try and connect before timing out.

I've always run my network connection on this basis as Gentoo is on my laptop 
and depending where I am will determine which interface I want to use.

Thanks, Richard

rm /etc/init.d/net.eth0 && rm /etc/init.d/net.ath1

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