I have a ~x86 box that is dial up only and uses ppp. Last weekend an 'emerge -uD world' seemed to complete without issue but now I can't make a ppp connection as seen by the error attached below. I admit to not knowing my way around udev yet & what I've read isn't helping with this. I'm guessing I need to recreate something somehow. Penetrating insight... Does anyone see what it is I'm missing that causes the

      udevd-event[9376]: wait_for_sysfs: waiting for
      '/sys/class/net/ppp0/device/driver' failed

error below? There's no ppp0 directory under /sys/class/net/ but I don't know what creates it.

Thanks very much,

=== snipped from /var/log/messages ===

Jan 27 15:40:03 home PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
Jan 27 15:40:03 home pppd[9349]: pppd 2.4.4 started by mm, uid 0
Jan 27 15:40:04 home chat[9360]: abort on (BUSY)
Jan 27 15:40:04 home chat[9360]: abort on (NO CARRIER)

[...typical modem connect msgs...]

Jan 27 15:40:39 home pppd[9349]: Serial connection established.
Jan 27 15:40:39 home pppd[9349]: Using interface ppp0
Jan 27 15:40:39 home pppd[9349]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS1
Jan 27 15:40:42 home udevd-event[9376]: wait_for_sysfs: waiting for '/sys/class/net/ppp0/device/driver' failed Jan 27 15:40:42 home udev-net.sh: /etc/init.d/net.ppp0: does not exist or is not executable
Jan 27 15:40:48 home pppd[9349]: Modem hangup
Jan 27 15:40:48 home pppd[9349]: Connection terminated.
Jan 27 15:40:48 home udev-net.sh: /etc/init.d/net.ppp0: does not exist or is not executable
Jan 27 15:40:49 home pppd[9349]: Exit.
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