On 1/29/07, Alan McKinnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Monday 29 January 2007 11:15, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Mon, 29 Jan 2007 00:47:47 -0800, kashani wrote:
> > I wouldn't bother with a full mirror. Set a local rsync server that
> > updates once a day and use http-replicator. That would be far less
> > bandwidth than trying to keep a local dist server current.
> If daytime bandwidth is a particular issue, you can set up a cron
> task on one of more machines (depending on the variety of packages in
> use) to do
> emerge --sync && emerge -uDNf world
> to prime the cache during the night. That should reduce your daytime
> downloads to almost zero.

The daytime bandwidth is indeed the issue. This is South Africa, where
technologically everything is top-notch first-world. Except for
bandwidth. By local standards our pipe is quite big - a whopping 512k.
Shared amongst two offices and 140 users. At least I get to do whatever
I want with the bandwidth after hours - no real users to compete with,
just their torrents :-)

I already use a fairly complicate solution with emerge -pvf and wget in
a cron on one of the fileservers, but it's getting cumbersome. And I'd
rather not maintain an entire gentoo install on a server simply to act
as a proxy. Would I be right in saying that I'd have to keep
the "proxy" machine up to date to avoid the inevitable blockers that
will happen in short order if I don't?

I've been looking into kashani's suggestion of http-replicator, this
might be a good interim solution till I can come up with something
better suited to our needs.

I'm using a different setup, of course its a small number of machines
(like 5 or 6), but it works great. I use NFS to mount
/usr/portage/distfiles on a server sharing this dir. Each time someone
request a file, it goes directly to the shared dir, being available
for all machines. This way, its only 1 request per new file, and only
files that are needed for update of the particular software most
machines have in common.

Daniel da Veiga
Computer Operator - RS - Brazil
Version: 3.1
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