arnuld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> hai all,
> i have successfully installed Gentoo 2006.1. i have installed Emacs.
> everything is fine but Emacs's size is TOO BIG. Emacs tool bar is of
> XXL size, its menu is of XXL size.
> what is wrong?

Sounds like your desktop resolution is too low.

Or emacs is trying to use a huge font.

After setting your resolution to more reasonable size you can control
emacs size, color, shape, font etc with lisp code.  

If you want to delve into lisp I can copy paste some old code I've
used from time to time but I'm not a lisp programmer at all.
For that approach you will want to post on newsgroup.

You can also control emacs with a ~/.Xresources file.  Thats how I
like to do it.

This will give you some ideas about how that might be done:
(from ~/.Xresources)

emacs*Background: black
emacs*Foreground: papayawhip
emacs*pointerColor: white
emacs*cursorColor: magenta
emacs*bitmapIcon: on
emacs*font:  -misc-fixed-bold-r-normal--18-120-100-100-c-90-iso8859-1
emacs.geometry: 100x38

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