> On second thought this does make sense. Portage 2.1.2 allows an upgrade
> within the same slot despite the block. And the reason it doesn't get
> pulled in by `emerge -pv world` is because dbus isn't in world and the
> later version isn't required by anything in world. You need to use --update
> to get direct dependencies upgraded or --deep to get all dependencies
> upgraded to the latest version.

Just to close this entirely dbus-0.62-r2 has had most of it's keywords
dropped. This means if you type:

# emerge -pv =sys-apps/dbus-0.62-r2

you'll likely get a "masked by: missing keyword" message. So again bug #48195
explains why dbus-0.62-r2 is able to satisfy dependencies on dbus because
it's installed with Portage 2.1.2 but isn't able to satisfy it with Portage
2.1.1 because it's not installable. :)

Ok. Now the question is: is the new dbus really installable indeed? I
think "yes" from your explanation, but I want to be triple-sure.
(In fact, a self-blocking packages looked very odd to me, but...)
(and why has been 0.62-r2 been hard masked so fast?)

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