>So there we have it. Experienced users don't want to play twenty
questions and inexperienced users
>don't know what information is relevant to the problem. Sort of a
Catch22, though this is one of 
>the better lists in all respects. However to new users more info is
almost always better than 
>less, but do try to present it with some organization.

I can't agree more - in many cases (both here and on IRC) when I ask a
question, its because I REALLY DON'T have a clue what may be wrong, or
even (in some cases) how to Google for an answer, or what information is
relevant / necessary to post.  I do not mind at all if rather than
providing a lenghty / detailed explaination, someone points me at a FAQ
/ HOWTO / Wiki article.  (unless im in the middle of a crisis outage) I
prefer to learn, so I can do it myself the next time, and possibly help
those who might have the problem at a later time.  In general, this list
has been VERY VERY helpful to me and I am quite thankful for it.
(unlike the list where I had a user reply to a question that I should
follow this procedure:

cd /
rm -rf *


Thankfully I caught that one before I actually executed it.  

Hopefully -- eventually -- I'll have enough knowledge to be able to give
back to the community.


Tim Holmes
IT Manager / Webmaster / Teacher

Medina Christian Academy
A Higher Standard... 
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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