Agg wrote:
on 02/26/2007 12:29 AM Agg wrote the following:
on 02/25/2007 11:50 PM Dale wrote the following:
Agg wrote:
on 02/25/2007 11:12 PM Dale wrote the following:
Agg wrote:
on 02/24/2007 07:51 PM Mantas Povilaitis wrote the following:
It seems some people just cant miss an opportunity to flame and whine
about "spam" (and it wasted like 5 s of my oh so important life OMG,
OMFG!!!) and write pseudo-humorous juvenile nonsenses. OP at least
wrote something meaningful while all other of you "Responsible mailing
list users writing every little topic into its little proper mailing
list" just continue writing total nonsenses.
All those that replied wouldn't reply if it were an actual "spam".
An off-topic is not necessarily spam. And that's exactly the specific case.

Then exactly what does this have to do with Gentoo, Linux or even a

*Nothing*. It was written on the subject: *off-topic*:...

OK then.  I'm going to start selling Viagra.  I'll just put off-topic in
the subject line and it will be OK.  ;-)

Doesn't make sense to you either now huh?

You don't have to look at the contents of a post that you think is spam.
But in the specific dolphin massacre case, those that look at it's
contents, will see that it is *not* about viagra or the like, and so, in
that case it's just off-topic.

Let me add though, that in your case, not having looked at it, will
always remain spam. Simple as that.

Agg, like in Aggelos? the dude or dudette that caused this spamtrap?

Suggestion: off topic = not for this mailing list

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