On 2007-03-12, Albert Hopkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-03-12 at 15:07 +0000, Grant Edwards wrote
>> Shouldn't you symlink /etc/localtime to the the appropriate
>> file in /usr/share/zoneinfo?  That way when the zoneinfo files
>> get udpated (as they all did), you'll use the new file?
> That was the "old" way of doing it.  For a number of reasons a new
> method is devised.  The new method is:
>      1. copy file from /usr/share/zoneinfo to /etc/localtime
>      2. set your timezone in /etc/conf.d/clock.
> The timezone-data package is supposed to automagically
> update /etc/localtime when the TIMEZONE is set in /etc/conf.d/clock.
> It's been observed that a lot of people who had problems with the
> timezone change had not done #2.

Yup, that was evidently the problem. Perhaps step #2 should be
documented in the Handbook and/or the Quickinstall?

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  I'm having fun
                                  at               HITCHHIKING to CINCINNATI
                               visi.com            or FAR ROCKAWAY!!

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