>On Wednesday 14 March 2007 14:41:55 Michael Galassi wrote:
>> Could someone share with me a man page or google search which will help
>> me install multiple versions of perl on an up-to-date gentoo system?  I
>> tried emerge -a =3Ddev-lang/perl-5.8.4-r4 and a few similar commands but
>> to no avail.
>Perl has never been slotted. Therefore installing more than one version of
>perl is far from trivial. So while I can tell you how to get perl-5.8.4-r4
>which was removed from the tree 1 1/2 years ago it will not be able to coexist
>with perl-5.8.8-r2. Why would you want to do that?

I wouldn't :-).  I'd personally be quite happy with no perl on my
workstation at all.  Unfortunately one of our developers insists on
doing bizarre perlish things that require the older version (the same one
that ships with MontaVista Linux) so our development boxes are now
straddled with this other perl.  I'll probably end up installing it
outside of the normal portage framework (/opt/perl) and hack paths to
make it work.  Sigh.

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