[EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:

 When the first
colors were added to emerge, did no one think hard coded magic
constants were wrong?

I'm not that big developer (I just hack some python here and there, and I'm trying to learn c++), but I agree, hard coded magic constants are 99.999% of times bad. Probably 1)however those people honestly thought that hard coded colour was better than nothing and 2)that colour was indeed useful (for me, it is) 3)"we can put color now and think about themes etc. later". Yes, kludgish attitude, but IMHO better than pushing portage back just because of wanting to do colour thing 100% right or not doing it at all.

You seem to be able to hack the portage code. Why don't you join the gentoo dev team and send a patch for customizable, themeable colour? Stop whining at stupid developers -show them you're indeed a better developer! Where are your guts? ;)

When devs think it good to colorize everybody's
terminal without regard to long established UNIX custom of using just
simple plain text, I am told that gentoo is not UNIX.  Good grief,
what an attitude!

Yes, gentoo is not UNIX. Face it. Gentoo is even not Linux: there is a gentoo-freebsd distribution and I know of a fellow that tried to do a Gentoo-GNU Hurd. Linux and GNU Hurd are UNIX-like systems, but are not plain UNIX (*BSD probably can be considered true UNIXen) -Linux is mostly POSIX compliant AFAIK, but it's not certified to be 100%.

The fact is, Gentoo is a package management system (ebuilds+portage or paludis) and a philosophy. I wouldn't find strange to see Gentoo-ReactOS or Gentoo-Haiku systems in the future, thus applying Gentoo to free software operating systems that are all but Unix-like.

Moreover, operating systems evolve. What you call a departure from tradition, probably most people call a new and nice feature.

When the gentoo dev community stops spouting nonsense about gentoo is
not unix,

This is not nonsense. This is the plain truth, as I showed you before. If you want real UNIX, buy a PDP-11 and install plain old UNIX on it. ;)

stops pointing fingers at third party software which was
written to work with gentoo software,


and stops blaming users for
preferring white backgrounds, then they will have earned some respect.

I agree with the request of themeable colour, but how you are justifying yourself is plain nonsense.


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