On Tuesday 10 April 2007 18:56:34 Mauro Faccenda wrote:
> Hi all,
> I need to do some simple tasks in a MSSQL Server from a Linux that have no
> X installed. I know I can tunnel a SSH connection and run any MSSQL in my
> own box, but I think it's more practical to have a cli gui for MSSQL, but I
> couldn't find one googling for it, so I'm here asking you.
> For short: anyone know a Linux CLI GUI for MSSQL?
> Thanks in advance,
>       Mauro

I think you're looking for "tsql" (interactive) "bsqldb" (non-interactive for 
scripts etc.) from the FreeTDS package (dev-db/freetds).

I've used it a while ago for writing a Nagios plugin which monitores some 
MSSQL tablespaces.


Elias P.

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