On Wed, 18 Apr 2007 00:11:21 +0400, Neil Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Andrey Gerasimenko wrote:
I do not see how it is hard to create a minimal installation CD image every time new hardware support is added into the kernel, or new gcc version goes stable, or new portage version goes stable.

How is any of that relevant to the minimal install CD? GGC, Portage, etc. come from the stage tarball you install. All the install CD does is boot the system - you can use any livecd for that. What is really needed, is updated stages.

Exactly. I linked GCC and Portage to the minimal CD because all the docs and the numbering scheme itself link the stages file with the minimal CD image. If the minimal CD is gentoo/releases/x86/2006.1/installcd/install-x86-minimal-2006.1.iso, then the stage is gentoo/releases/x86/2006.1/stages/stage3-i686-2006.1.tar.bz2.

I cannot tell if it is easier to brake this 1 to 1 relationship and modify the docs or to just rename the CD image to the new version if there are no changes to it.

I agree that any livecd can be used to boot the system (I used Knoppix). Thus it is possible to change the minimal CD numbering radically, for example, base it on the kernel number since it normally increases as new hardware support is added to Linux. The CD will be install-x86-minimal-2.6.21-rc6.iso, and the stages will be numbered and updated independently.

I do not know if this will cause problems with the live CD or not.

Andrei Gerasimenko
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