Stuart Howard <stuart.g.howard <at>> writes:

> This link to the forum though I realise it is nvidia based it may give
> some further information the posts refer to a bug which further refers
> to another bug which is the ATI issue but the general point is there.


Hello Stuart,

Interesting reading. Here's what I currently used on my system:

x11-base/xorg-server  Installed versions:  1.1.1-r1

x11-drivers/ati-drivers   Installed versions:  8.35.5

This all works with my ATI 1900XT card (glx gears runs 
on a full 22 inch widescreen (1680 x 1050) at 1800 FPS.
The little default 2x2 runs glxgears at 11,000 FPS.

This might explain why every permutaion of ati-drivers
and xorg-server that I entered into /etc/portage/package.mask
does not neutralize the request to upgrade xorg-server to

## I tried every permutation possible here, nothings masks
##the upgrade request so I can continue with routine upgrades

blocks B   x11-drivers/ati-drivers (
is blocking x11-base/xorg-server-

I did not glean from the discussion how to neutralize the erroneous
upgrade request so I can perform the other upgrades. Any ideas on that?


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