On Mon, 2007-05-21 at 12:18 +0000, Marek Miller wrote:
> I think, I have found a way to tell the kernel how much memory I have.
> Simple
>     mem=300M
> appended to the boot command and all defunct RAM (above 300M)
> is inaccessible. So far, my laptop works as if nothing has happened. 

of course! it's funny how we all ran off thinking about recompiling
kernels and live cd's, when this is all you had to do.  Such a simple
answer right in front of us...

> Linux's great.

sure is.  try doing that in Winblows

> Thanks for all for handful tips.

you mean it was a handful because we gave you bogus ideas?! ;)

Iain Buchanan <iaindb at netspace dot net dot au>

It is not a good omen when goldfish commit suicide.

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