On Tue, 2007-05-29 at 22:20 -0400, Ryan Sims wrote:
> On 5/29/07, Denis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 5/29/07, Tim Allinghan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > Last thing before I hop off each night, emerge --sync followed by a -pv
> > > -uDN world, if I'm happy I fire it up and head to bed :)
> >
> > I'm sure that makes for particularly sweet dreams ;-)
> >
> > One thing I've wondered about...  When you update X or nvidia drivers,
> > do you need to kill X before running emerge?
> I've never done it *before* the emerge, but I usually restart after
> the merge, like any other service.  Only time I've ever had a problem
> with a program running while emerging is with a glibc upgrade a while
> back screwing with a running Firefox, restarting Firefox solved
> things.
> > I usually dread kernel updates because then I have to go through
> > kernel menuconfig all over again, and for me, that takes some time.  I
> > guess one can reuse the old .config file, but I understand it's not
> > always a safe thing to do.  Is it reasonably ok to wait for every
> > "major" 2.6.x release to update, or is it necessary to update on every
> > minor 2.6.x.y release also?
> I use 'gunzip -c /proc/config.gz > .config && make oldconfig'
> consistently, never had a problem.  I always keep a working kernel in
> grub.conf in case of screwups, and I read the options very carefully
> before selecting.  One caveat:  going from 2.4 to 2.6 I reconfigured
> by hand from scratch.  Whenever we get to 2.8 (or whatever the next
> major release is), I'll do that again.

If you wanted to shorten your command, I believe zcat does the exact
same thing as gunzip -c
-Michael Sullivan-
> -- 
> Ryan W Sims

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