Hi Guys/Girls,

I have gentoo running on a few machines and recently bumped into a strange issue, with one of my laptops.

I have an Acer travelmate laptop that until about a few ago was running the factory installed Windows XP with no problem. I installed gentoo on it all went smoothly (done this a few times) and every done everything I usually do.

However when running the laptop (X or Console) it's very unresponsive.
I will type a command and the text will slowly start appearing on the screen about a second or two later. In X the Gnome UI will lock up completely for seconds/mins. Obviously this is far worse when doing a sync or a merge.

I have not had much time to dedicate to this machine and it's been like that for some time now :-( I would appreciate any suggestions.

Things I have tried include building a completely new kernel (new version, new config) and rebuilding the entire system.


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