> The best format for line drawings is a vector format
> like svg.
> With a vector format the image can be scaled to any
> size and still
> stay sharp.

Can it be viewed by someone who only has Explorer?

> A bitmap with lossless compression like png is
> tolerable.
> Please don't use jpeg.  It uses lossy compression
> that is designed for
> photos.  They end up fuzzy.
Been working with xcircuit. It saves in PS but can be
made into a jpeg which looked just as sharp as the

I found this command online:

gs -dBATCH -sOutputFile=4804SR-output.jpg
-sDEVICE=jpeg 4804SR-output.ps

Which I changed to this:

gs -dBATCH -sOutputFile=4804SR-output.png
-sDEVICE=jpeg 4804SR-output.ps

The first file it created ends in .jpg, the second in
.png. But they're both the same size and look exactly
the same in the browser. When I gave it -sDEVICE=png
it replied "Unknown device: png". So maybe it just
makes jpegs but will call them whatever...


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