On Tue, Mar 04, 2008 at 06:14:02PM -0800, Penguin Lover Daevid Vincent squawked:
> And, as I already posted twice now...
> > I emerge again, and it gives me 96.43.05.
> > Now when I start X, I have a blank/black screen. 

Oops, sorry about that, short memory. 
> This driver is NOT working with my card.
> Perhaps I need to wipe out all the files (which ones?) or something and
> re-install it again, but I guarantee it's doing exactly as I said it is.
> Black screen when X starts.

No errors? That's weird. Okay, I hope this isn't something you have
also mentioned before: have you tried the 96.43.01 one that is
supposed to be stable (.05 is in ~)? It probably won't make
difference, what with the binary drivers being released by nVidia and
all that. 

If you really want to try the old ones:


> I'm curious if you have XGL working with it. I had it working in Ubuntu
> prior to the current release which broke it (I tripple boot). So I know the
> card is cabable of it. I just never got it working in Gentoo.

I tried once, a year or so, maybe more, ago. Some applications did not
play nice with it. And it was rather slow. So I stopped using it.
Haven't tried recently. 

Good luck, 


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