Steven Lembark wrote:

> Well, this one takes longer.  Just the foldingathome takes about 20
> seconds or more to shutdown.  It can take over 60 seconds at times.
> That service for some reason has to completely shutdown before the
> others start to shutdown.  The others will shutdown in parallel like I
> have set up.  Then there is all the other services that have to stop.
> Quite literally, I only had seconds to shutdown since the P/S was
> stinking like a skunk.  I just needed to umnount the file systems and
> power off as fast as possible.  I didn't want to just pull the plug but
> I needed a shutdown that fast.

Hackint the shutdowns to background the shutdown
op and return is usually pretty simple -- don't know
why more app's don't do that by default.

'halt' will get you down with little typing if you
want to bypass the init scripts; so will "kill -TERM 1".
Add a 'sync' before either of them and you'll probably
be able to come up with minimal trouble.

What's the difference between halt command and shutdown? I thought they were basically the same thing.

Also, in case you missed it. I have a service, foldingathome, that takes a while to stop and no other service can be stopped in parallel with this one. That is one of my key sticking points with the shutdown. Most of the others are pretty fast. I just needed the quickest *clean* shutdown I could get.


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