Vaeth wrote:
Is this not in portage, not in the world file or what?
Installed packages with a version not in the database (or masked):

The "database" is what is produced by update-eix, i.e. usually
the portage tree and your overlays (and perhaps "virtual" overlays).
So, as a rule, it means that you have at least one version of these
packages installed which was erased from the portage tree (and isn't
in your overlays either).

Just to give a little more info here. I sync'ed a couple days ago. I use eix-sync to do that so that everything is updated, portage and eix. I don't have anything in layman, heard of it but never used it. Also, emerge -uvDNp comes out clean. Nothing to upgrade or downgrade. Revdep-rebuild comes out clean as well. Still not having that light bulb moment here. :/ Are these packages that I can unmerge?


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