I want to be able to manage a sizeable number of reference manuals I have in various ebook formats - CHM; PDF etc. scattered around various PCs; on CDs etc. - and I'm looking for a web-app to help me organise them as a virtual reference library.

I want to be able to tag the files by 'subject area' - since most span more than one... and almost however they are arranged hierarchically - the most unfortunate categorisation seems to have been previously chosen as as the file-system location. By tagging every file with all its relevant subjects, I should be better able to browse for my reference work of interest. I would also love to be able to index the text in my various ebooks - and then search my reference library by keyword... then filter by classification.

It seems unlikely that I'm the first person to want this kind of facility... can anyone recommend something which either implements this solution - or could be modified so to do?

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