On Mon, 28 Apr 2008 10:57:09 +0200, Enrico Weigelt wrote:

> > pgrep emerge || rm -fr $(portageq envvar PORTAGE_TMPDIR)/portage  
> This removes everything in /var/tmp/portage. I don't want this,
> just those which have certain age (eg. 1 day), otherwise it 
> could interfere w/ running builds. And it also doesn't clean
> old distfiles.

It won't interfere with running ebuilds, because pgrep emerge will cause
it to exit if emerge is running. Deleting anything over a day old is
dangerous, think openoffice on a slow/loaded machine. ebuilds should
clean up after themselves, so you only get cruft in $PORTAGE_TMPDIR when
an ebuild fails.

No, it doesn't clean distfiles, but you didn't ask about them, use eclean
for that.

Neil Bothwick

As long as you do not move you can still choose any direction.

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