Stroller wrote:

On 4 Jul 2008, at 20:38, Matt Harrison wrote:
... I want to add the cacti application to the same server but on a separate

The problem is, trying to access the cacti interface through a browser
causes a segfault with php. I've also tried running the index.php from
the CLI and it still segfaults.

I don't know anything about cacti but IIRC PHP4 & PHP5 are a bit different (in terms of Apache modules & stuff). Is it possible you're running the wrong one? Maybe this release of cacti is only stable on the one version?

When posting try to give us as much information as possible. You need to give versions of stuff, confirm that you've run revdep-rebuild on your system and also tell us that you've checked the system logs. Since you don't mention debug or logging options for cacti I'll assume it doesn't have any, but you really need to state that, to prove to us that you've checked and to save us suggesting looking at them.


Ack, I had forgotten to import the db schema before accessing the web
interface. I just wish the cacti people had found a way to make this
more obvious. I will send them a message and maybe they can make this a
little clearer in the future.

Thanks for the replies everyone.

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