
Thanks very much for the information.

Yes! I do seem to have *.la files with "-lselinux" in them. It looks like I'm going to have to do some purging and re-emerging to fix things.

Thanks again.

--- Vladimir

on 07/07/2008 04:49 PM Andreas Niederl said the following:

Vladimir G. Ivanovic wrote:
It turns out that many, many executables require, despite what the documentation of "--depclean" in "man emerge" says (or what I think it says -- is this a bug or operator error?)

Sadly sys-apps/coreutils is one of them.
Recent versions - including stable - do an autodetection for libselinux and link against it even when emerged with USE="-selinux"[1].

This should be no problem for systems which never saw libselinux (i.e. installed from 2008.0) but unmerging this library on older systems can be quite problematic.

I cobbled together a system that limps along thanks to the 2008.0 beta LiveCD (which does not depend on, but I am unable to emerge a large number of packages that seem to silently depend on the ebuilds fail when ld cannot find -lselinux.
What gives? Where does the "-lselinux" come from? How can I get rid of this maddening dependency?

I think that libtool is the main offender here.
At least on my system somehow '-lselinux' made its way into a bunch of .la files and provoked these errors.

So I searched for the packages with broken libtool archive files and manually emerged them (with --oneshot). I figured out the correct order by using the trial-and-error method but you could do something like the get_build_order() function in the revdep-rebuild script.

The command I've used for searching is as follows (requires app-portage/portage-utils):
grep -l -r --include='*.la' selinux /usr/lib | qfile --nocolor -f - | \
cut -d' ' -f 1 | sort | uniq

Another way might be to look at the line before the error message and rebuild the package containing the library right before the '-lselinux' flag.



Vladimir G. Ivanovic

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