At Wed, 09 Jul 2008 21:33:21 +0200 Sebastian Günther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> * Allan Gottlieb ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [09.07.08 20:04]:
>> The latest stable emerge of grub decided to add
>>   splashimage=(hd0,2)/boot/grub/splash.xpm.gz
>> to my grub.conf
>> Since I do not have support for this in my kernel the screen was
>> unreadable.  Should I file this as a bug?
> Your kernel is not even loaded, when this happens. So your kernel has 
> nothing to do with it.

Correct.  Sorry for the noise.

> This is the background picture of grub, which grub should display. This 
> should not happen. But before filling a bug look at the open bugs for 
> grub, if it isn't filed already.

There was a bug filed.  The new emerge moved the location of the
splash file and the msg printed by the ebuild was (at the very least)
not clear.

thanks for the good information.
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