Jan Seeger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why? Are you planning on moving?^^

Because how I like my computer to communicate with me, has nothing to do
with the territory on which it is located, the computer moved across
different territories, my computers are often on different territories
that I am, none of the territories the computer or I are frequently
located speak the language I want my computer to communicate in, nor do
their standard of dates are how I like then to be - I choose them to be
based on reason (dates shown from largest unit to smallest), not on
tradition or politics. I feel a world citizen, and don't want to be
psychologically tied to any single country, nor my computers, I feel its
horribly stupid to configure computers based on territory, its an
unneeded breach of privacy in case someone looks over my shoulder as I
type "locale" and sees a territory, then he/she would think I might have
ties to that territory, like if its the police or something, if I put
en_US than someone might think I am an US person, while I am not, and I
don't want to spend my time wondering which territory I should put in
when installing Linux, US, or GB or whatever, I just want a damn simple
international english territory neutral locale with dates in the form
YYYY-MM-DD and 24-hour clock time and . as the decimal separator (not ,
as it is in the en_DK locale). Is that so difficult to do?

> But have you tried POSIX.UTF-8?
> Because it sounds sensible, and thus could be already implemented.

Yes, but some errors where encountered:

przehyba ~ # locale-gen
 * Generating 2 locales (this might take a while) with 1 jobs
 *  (1/2) Generating POSIX.UTF-8 ...
LC_MONETARY: value of field `int_curr_symbol' has wrong length
No definition for LC_PAPER category found
No definition for LC_NAME category found
No definition for LC_ADDRESS category found
No definition for LC_TELEPHONE category found
No definition for LC_MEASUREMENT category found
No definition for LC_IDENTIFICATION category found         [ !! ]
 *  (2/2) Generating en_US.UTF-8 ...                       [ ok ]
 * Generation complete
przehyba ~ #

Not sure if they are a problem.

Will try to use that locale and see if I get any problems.
However C.UTF-8 doesn't work at all. What's the difference between POSIX
and C? Where does the C locale name come from? From the C programming
language, or something else?

>> And ordering of date - what does that have to do with territory and
>> language? I don't care what territory has what ordering commonly used -
>> I want to have it in form 2008-07-19, is there a way to do it?
> That's just a shortcut, so you don't have to set every setting
> explicitly. If you want, just set the respective LC_* variables, for
> example LC_TIME for the right time format.

How can I tell to LC_TIME that I want dates in yyyy-mm-dd format, and
24-hour clock time, and if anything wants week or month name, then show
it in english? If en_DK locale is invalid for Xlib, and no other
english laguage locale has dates in yyyy-mm-dd format?


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