On Wed, 30 Jul 2008 19:25:03 -0400
Daniel D Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is it safe to remove QT3 from the system now?  It seems like at one point 
> that 
> there were still packages in KDE that needed version 3 installed.
> I have both version 3 and 4 on the system.  If I remove the qt3 use flag, 
> enable the qt4 use flag and do an emerge --newuse, can I then unmerge version 
> 3?
On a sane system, if qt3 is no longer needed you could clean it with
emerge --depclean --ask. That should in fact clean anything that's not in world
and is not a dependency (might it be directly or indirectly) of a package in

If emerge --depclean --ask doesn't report it on the output list, then there's
something depending on qt3 installed.

Remember that setting USE="-qt3" doesn't magically remove the dependency on
qt3 for those programs that needs qt3. Kde 3.x relies in qt3, and no USE flag
can change that. USE flags only change optional settings, for kde 3.x qt3 is
not an option.

However, most people don't usually care about sanity, and in that case, you 
should be careful when using --depclean.

Jesús Guerrero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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